I teach clown!

Shortly after moving to New York City about a decade ago, I fell madly in love with clown, which is difficult for my parents because what does that even mean? I’m glad you asked.

Clown training is about getting really vulnerable and playful and allowing the audience to tell you what they think is funny about you. It is very often not the thing you think is funny about you.

Clown training involves a lot of bravery, risk, and play, and the greatest thing about it is that when you flop, you can just get right up and try again!

How do I teach this? We play a lot of games, leading with curiosity and generosity, and generate a lot of ideas from improv. From there, we can begin to shape the work.

Any questions, please contact me. I’d love to hear from you. julesvandie@gmail.com

“This woman is a genius.” -Something I think I heard an audience member say while watching My Grandmother’s Eyepatch